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Yard Drainage Solutions for Every Yard

Rain is a blessing for the flowers and grass. But too much of a good thing is always a problem. Puddles in your yard and soggy soil will make your yard look messy. However, if the drainage in your yard is problematic, there are many solutions that will help you tackle this issue. An installation of a proper drainage system not only makes your yard look aesthetically pleasing. It also means fewer pests, weeds, and possible diseases. Furthermore, it prevents water from damaging your home’s foundation. That is why, we prepared a comprehensive guide on what causes yard drainage problems and how to solve them. 

Table of Contents:

  1. Yard Drainage Solutions for Every Yard 
  2. Drainage Systems and Solutions for Your Yard 
  3. How to Install Drainage Solutions? 

Most Common Causes of Drainage Problems 

Noticing that your yard accumulates an excess of surface water is not enough to successfully deal with the problem. First, you must find out the reason why that happens. Only then you will be able to install an appropriate drainage system to get rid of excess water. Below you can find the most probable causes of poor drainage in the yard. 

Lack of Sloped Yard 

If your yard is not sloped, the water may have problems draining away from your home. It is usually caused by improper grading of the yard. The first sign of insufficient grading is a large puddle in one spot. If not dealt with, you can experience such problems as mud, brown patches of grass, mold, and damage to your home’s foundation. 

Impacted Soil 

This type of problem may occur if you install a pool in your garden or yard. As a result, the surrounding soil might become so tightly packed that it cannot drain properly. The worst problems occur in the case of hardpan clay, which retains moisture significantly longer than other types of soil. Impacted soil might also be caused by underground springs. 

Impacted soil problems can be identified by having dense and hard soil, as well as the occurrence of pooling water in the areas of completed projects. As a result, further problems may occur, such as mold growth, erosion root rot, and low spots in the yard. 

Not Long Enough Gutter Downspout 

The function of the gutter is to keep water away from the foundation of a building. If the gutter downspout is short, it can cause water to puddle. This problem is identified when you spot large puddles under the downspout. The issue should be fixed quickly as the foundation of your home might get damaged, the basement might get flooded and mold can occur. 

Natural and Man-made Barriers 

Man-made barriers, such as sidewalks, walkways, or concrete paths can be the cause of flooding in your yard. When such a barrier exists at a higher elevation than the surface of the surrounding soil, water can flow off and accumulate in the yard. You can easily tell this is the case if you see low spots filled with water. It can damage the foundation, cause erosion, and attract mosquitos, so it is important to resolve the problem quickly. 


An excessive runoff of water can cause erosion of the topsoil. It may be stormwater or water coming from your downspout. As a result, topsoil is washed away, and what is left is compacted which is prone to excessive water absorption and cause greater flooding. This problem can be identified by visible thin, patchy areas of grass. If not dealt with, it may lead to exposed tree roots, and damage to plant beds, or your home's foundation. 

Damaged Water or Sewer Lines 

If the waters flow aggressively, they put pressure on water lines and may break them. This causes underground leaks. If you own a septic tank, standing water that accumulates near it or a drain field will mean there is flooding. You will also notice a low water pressure. This leads to a variety of problems, such as odored or discolored water, wet spots in the yard, but also higher water bills. 

Drainage Systems and Solutions for Your Yard 

Even though drainage problems can cause severe consequences, there are many effective ways to resolve them. Many methods are simple, affordable DIY solutions that are easy to implement. Let's look at the most important ways to fix landscape drainage in your yard. 

Regular Lawn Aeration 

Lawn aeration creates holes in the soil which lessen the compaction. Thanks to that more water (as well as air and nutrients) can reach grass roots. Therefore, it is worth scheduling aeration at least once a year. 


Problems with excessive water accumulation can also be resolved by planting water-hungry plants (eg., primrose, willows, red maples, and violets). They need such excessive moisture to grow, therefore, planting them near puddles may be beneficial to your yard. 

Installing Channel Drains 

Driveways, however useful and aesthetically pleasing, may contribute to the yard drainage issue and divert water back toward your home. Install a channel drain across your driveway so the water has a path to follow while leaving your yard. 

Using Porous Materials 

Let's face it, you worked hard to install a pleasing-to-the-eye driveway, patio, or walkway. However, if they are not made of porous materials, you might never get rid of the water absorption problem in your yard. It is worth considering a teardown. Crushed gravel or decking is perfect for patios, whereas porous asphalt will be a great choice for the driveway. 


Sometimes the drainage is so bad that it requires regrading the yard to aid your compacted soil. If you own a tractor or a skid steer, you can easily get the right grading attachment and do the work in no time. 

Direct Water Away From Your Downspouts 

Downspouts in your garden should be appropriately diverted so roof runoff can flow away from your property. There are certain ways to do that effectively, for example: 

Extend the Downspouts 

The reason to do so is to make water flow further away from the house. In that way, you protect all lower-lying spots on your property from accumulating excessive water. 

Implement a Rain Barrel 

Rain barrels are a great way to collect and reuse rainwater. This can later constitute a fantastic and cheap irrigation solution for your garden. 

Create a Dry Creek Bed 

Another solution is to dig a trench and send unwanted water to a dry creek bed. Bear in mind that such an installation should end with a deep basin, otherwise, it might cause drainage issues for one of your neighbors. 

Create a Rain Garden 

Rain gardens are shallow areas of ground you fill with plants that can stand waterlogging for up to 2 days at a time. Direct your downspouts there and you can also resolve the problem of finding a time and money to water your plants. You will kill two birds with one stone! 

Implement Drainage Constructions 

Performing a major construction change is what you must consider if any of the above drainage methods do not work. If you own a skid steer or a tractor, it is a great idea to purchase appropriate attachments and implement any of the below solutions yourself. However, you must be mindful of any possible underground utilities. 

French Drain 

A French drain is an installed underground perforated drainage pipe or tube that accumulates the excess water and slowly releases it back out, deep below the surface. The installation of French drains may be a complex activity so it is best to get advice from a drainage expert. 

Yard Drain/Catch Basin 

Make sure you install a catch basin at the bottom of every downspout. The excess water accumulates in it and then travels through a buried PVC drain pipe to a drain emitter. The same system works in the case of yard drains. The difference is that it is installed directly in the ground at places that often get flooded. 

How to Install Drainage Solutions? 

The easiest way to dig holes and grade your soil is by using the right attachment with your skid steer. Browse our American-made products to find the trencher attachment, skid steer land planes, rakes, or any other equipment needed to tackle your yard drainage problems. Remember that all our skid steer attachments are made of the best quality American steel, and our knowledgeable team members are always happy to help you choose equipment best suited to your needs. Do not hesitate to get in touch for more details!