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What Is a Skid Steer Rototiller and How to Use It?

skid steer rototiller attachment

Table of Contents:

1. When Should You Use a Rototiller? 
2. How to Use a Rototiller?
3. Practical Tips
4. Choose Your Perfect Rototiller

In this article, we will focus on another attachment that will give you a reason to be happy about owning a skid steer. Rototiller attachment is a perfect tool for anyone who would like to level ground in their garden or prepare the soil for planting. Let us give you some insight into how it works and how to use it.

When Should You Use a Rototiller?

Fall is the perfect season to till the soil. The soil will have time to break down and settle during winter. Such time will allow it to be ready for springtime planting. Additionally, doing soil amendments in winter will allow for planting cool-season crops (beets, broccoli, cabbage, or carrots) right at the beginning of spring. 

When starting a new garden, using a rototiller in spring is also possible. However, it is advisable to till soil when its temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a soil thermometer to measure the soil's temperature. 

The soil should also be slightly dry. How to check the dryness? Squeeze a handful of soil to see if it crumbles. If so, you can begin tilling. 

How to Use a Rototiller? 

Now, when we already know when the soil is ready to till, the time has come to learn how to do so. We have prepared an easy step-by-step guide for beginners. Follow it to get the most out of your rototiller. 

Prepare the Soil 

Preparing soil for tilling is an important step in making tilling easier and more effective. It should be done by removing sod, plants, or weeds that grow in the area you will till. To prepare the land for new plants, the old ones should be removed

A shovel and a wheelbarrow are perfect tools to assist you with removing sod, plant and tree roots, rocks, large stones, and any other obstructions. Remember to leave some small dead plants to increase the soil organic matter level

Evaluate and Amend Soil 

The soil conditions must meet specific plant needs to allow them to grow. These conditions are mainly pH and soil type. The best way to determine whether these two factors are appropriate to the type of plants you want to cultivate is to submit a soil sample for analysis. Such analysis can be done through your county extension office. 

If the analysis shows the soil is not suitable for your plant growth you can try to amend it
- add lime or wood ash to lower the pH 
- sprinkle peat moss, sawdust, or compost over alkaline soil 
- improve clay-like soil with shredded leaves, peat moss, aged compost, or manure 

Wear Personal Protective Equipment 

Before you start operation, put on personal safety equipment and appropriate clothing. These include safety glasses, a long sleeve shirt and trousers, and heavy boots. You may also need gloves. 


An operator of a skid steer rototiller can use the machine in two ways. While driving forward, the tiller is overcutting with the maximum power of the skid steer. Overcutting is usually a faster process than undercutting. If saving time is your priority, it will be the best method of operation. However, it is advisable to move at a steady pace. Otherwise, a skid steer tiller attachment might not keep up and collide with the skid steer. 

Undercutting happens when the skid steer moves backward and pulls the rototiller. This method gives the operator more control in terms of the amount of dirt the rototiller mixes up at a time. The best results using the undercut method are achieved when moving slowly. 

Which method is the most effective? Many operators choose rototiller attachments that allow for both undercutting and overcutting. Bidirectional rotation saves time as the machine performs the task in any direction it moves. 

Practical Tips

The time has come to give you a few tips that will help you effectively use your rototiller: 
- choose appropriate tilling depth and don’t till the same area too often. This prevents overworking the soil. 
- for appropriate preparation of the seed bed, it is recommended to till at a depth of at least 6 inches.
- for smooth operation, stop the machine periodically and remove plant material or organic matter from the tines. 
- clean the rototiller regularly and inspect whether there are any damaged elements needing replacement. It will ensure your equipment's good condition. 

Choose Your Perfect Rototiller carries a variety of rototiller skid steer attachments, including a Blue Diamond Rototiller. It will be a sound choice for a skid steer with a hydraulic flow of at least 15 gallons per minute. The skid steer tiller we offer is made of USA steel and has double-edge hardened tines. It also comes in various widths to best suit your machine size.  

If you need to work up or break up new ground in your garden or any other place, this type of attachment from Blue Diamond will be a perfect tool. If you have any questions regarding the machine, please contact us. Our team is available 24/7 and will be happy to address any query.