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What is a Flail Mower? Choose the Best Flail Mowers for Compact Tractors

Best Flail Mowers for Compact Tractors

Table of Content:

1. Flail mowers vs. rotary mowers - what is the difference?
2. Tractor flail ower operation and types
3. What is the best tractor flail mower?
4. How to use flail mower - best practices
5. Wide variety of standard and heavy-duty tractor attachments

There are many applications your tractor can help you with. However, there is one crucial condition - having an appropriate attachment. This is where you might become a little worried, as every attachment means an additional cost. Thankfully, there are many versatile tools you can get to ease the financial burden and kill two (or more!) birds with one stone.

One such solution is a tractor flail mower. Thanks to this type of agricultural equipment you can mow, cut grass, or shrubs, shred dense vegetation, and even small trees. As a result, you will have beautifully maintained fields, gardens, or orchards. Today's article brings you all the information about a flail mower attachment and what you need to pay attention to while choosing the right one. 

Flail mowers vs. rotary mowers - what is the difference?

You have heard of rotary mowers and the question that might have popped into your head is whether a flail mower is just another name for a rotary mower. The two types of equipment may serve a similar purpose; however, they differ in the design and the final finish they leave the operator with. 

A flail mower cuts with a series of knives (flails) attached to a long shaft. When they start to spin, the sharp edges shred the vegetation. Therefore, flail mowers are ideal for more precise applications, where the result must be in the form of a clean cut.  

On the other hand, rotary mowers use a single blade to cut through the material. They provide an uneven finish, as the blades are dull. They are a perfect choice for cutting through dense material, but be careful, as flying debris is an inseparable element of their operation. 

Tractor flail mower operation and types

The idea behind the flail mower operation is simple. The blades spin and cut vegetation into tiny pieces. Depending on the type of the machine, the material is then discharged from various sides of the attachment and can be reused. It serves great as an animal feed. 

There are several types of tractor flail mowers, which can be distinguished based on the specific application. 

Front-mounted flail mowers 

As the name indicates, you attach this type of flail mower in front of the machine. They work perfectly if you need to cut grass, weeds, or light brush in low-clearance areas, for example, orchards. 

Rear-mounted flail mowers 

This type of flail mower is the most popular on the market. The attachment is located at the rear of the tractor, and it also works great in the case of light brush, grass, and weeds. If you wish to purchase a high-quality and durable attachment, Blue Diamond has a flail mower attachment suited perfectly to your needs. 

You can use it if you have a tractor with a horsepower between 35 and 100. with Category 1 or 2 hitches. It can come in various models with different mowing widths between 69” and 98”. Therefore, you can use it to mow grass up to 1.5 inches thick. It comes with a hydraulic side shift, rear roller, and rakes. The dual tapered bearing design allows for an easy adjustment. Our tractor attachment is made of American steel and comes with a 2-year warranty. 

Side-mounted flail mowers 

You can use side-mounted flail mowers by attaching them to the side of the tractor. They work perfectly for removing brushes, grass, and weeds that grow on the roadsides, fence lines, or ditches.  

Hydraulic arm flail mowers 

The hydraulic arm is a part of the tractor that extends from either its front or rear. Flail mowers can be attached to the hydraulic arm of the machine. Such parts are called hydraulic arm flail mowers. They are used in situations when the operation takes place in difficult conditions, such as uneven ground or areas that are hard to reach. 

What is the best tractor flail mower?

It is not about the best but rather about the most appropriate. Understanding the requirements will help you choose the right flail mower based on your needs. And it is exactly the type of equipment that will be the best for you. How to determine what type of tool it is? By considering a few crucial factors which we list below. 

The size of the vegetation 

One of the most crucial factors to consider is the application. In this case, it is the size of vegetation you will cut with your attachment. Based on that you will need to adjust your cutting width and height appropriately. For larger areas, a wider cutting width will enable the operator to complete the job quicker. 


For the most optimal cutting efficiency, your tractor's horsepower should match the flail mower's horsepower. 

Flail type 

The application also affects the material the flail is made of and its type. For instance, cutting through thick brush or small trees requires more durable and heavier material. 

Number of blades 

When it comes to the vegetation size, you also need more blades to make clean and fine cuts. 


If you do not want to worry too much about the maintenance of your equipment, choose a high-quality attachment with a solid frame. 

How to use flail mower - best practices

Using a tractor-flail mower is not a challenging task. However, safe, and effective operation requires adhering to a few proven methods. Look at the tips below to make your operation as smooth as possible. 

Inspect the surrounding area 

Make the operation area as clear as possible. Eliminate any larger rocks, debris, or branches. 

Adjust the speed and cutting height 

These two elements are important as cutting too fast or too low may simply make the blades wear out quicker. It may cause damage to the whole flail mower attachment. 

Use protective gear 

Do not forget to protect your body and senses from unpleasant experiences and surprises. Using safety glasses, gloves, and solid footwear will keep you safe. 

Conduct regular maintenance and cleaning 

Regular maintenance consists of the removal of debris stuck in the attachment, blade sharpening, gearbox checking, and any other cleaning your flail mower may require. 

Wide variety of standard and heavy-duty tractor attachments

Do you need a durable, high-quality attachment? You could not have come to a better place. can offer you not only the Blue Diamond Tractor Flail Mower but also a variety of other high-quality, American-made tractor parts that will help you with any application. Get assistance from one of our staff members to help you choose the attachment best suited to your tractor's needs.