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Skid Steer Buckets: Know Your Material Weights

Skid steers are heavy pieces of machinery built for efficiency and labor-saving in industries like construction, landscaping, farming and mining. They have lift arms which are used to attach a wide variety of skid steer attachments, including skid steer buckets. As a skid steer operator, it is important to know three different capacities before operating with a skid steer bucket attachment. These capacities include your tipping capacity, and the two types of bucket capacities, heap capacity and struck capacity.

Tipping capacity is the most important of the 3 capacities that you should be aware of. Tipping capacity refers to the amount of weight your skid steer can physically handle before it tips. This is extremely important to know not just for operating with skid steer buckets, but any skid steer attachment. Heaped capacity refers to the amount of material inside the bucket plus the amount of material stacked on top (heaped). Struck capacity refers to the amount of material on the inside physical dimensions of the bucket only. Both heaped and struck capacity are measured in cubic feet.

Knowing both heaped and struck capacity will ultimately help you determine the weight of the material in your bucket (materials are measured in lbs / cubic feet), so that you know how much you can carry without reaching your tipping capacity and putting yourself and those around you in harms way.

If you have any questions on the type of bucket you need to get the job done, or on the 3 capacities that were discussed, contact our experts at!

Material Weights (Measured in LB/CUBIC FT)

Ashes 35-52 Cullet 80-100 Paper 58 Sugar Beets 40
Barley 39 Earth-dry, loose 76 Peanuts-shelled 18 Sulphur 55-83
Bauxite 159 Earth-wet, packed 115 Potash-68 Sunflowers 25
Beans 48 Fertilizer-lime 36-53 Potatoes 48 Talc 55
Bone Meal 57 Fertilizer-urea 45 Quartz-ground 165 Taconite 90-107
Borax 109 Fertilizer-MAP, DAP 68 Rye 45 Wheat 48
Brewers Grain 57 Fertilizer-potash 45 Rice 44 Wood-chips 18-20
Cement 94 Flax Seed 45 Rubber-scrap 50 Wood-oak 54
Chalk-crushed 87 Gravel 90-126 Salt 35-48 Wood-pine 34
Charcoal-oak 35 Gypsum 159 Sand-dry 90-105 Wood-sawdust 15-20
Clay-damp 110 Hay-baled 20 Sand-wet 126  
Clay-dry, excavated 63 Ice 37-56 Sandstone 143  
Coal 40-58 Limestone 155 Sewage Sludge 60  
Coffee Beans 40-45 Lime 36-53 Shale, crushed 92  
Coke 32 Linseed 56 Slag, Iron 172  
Concrete 86-111 Lye 106 Snow-wet 15-50  
Copper Ore 262 Malt-Dry 45 Soybeans 46  
Copra 22 Mica-Flaked 20 Starch 96  
Corn-shelled 45 Oats 26 Stone or gravel 90-120  
Cottonseed-dry 25 Ore 105-215 Sugar-raw 99