NISSAN SB20-5 Excavator Rubber Tracks, Sprockets, Rollers
Primary Fitment: 320x100x43
Steel Fitment: CH101-35-67-43L
Number of Steel Links: 43
Steel Link Type: CH101-35-67

NISSAN SB20-5 Set of 2 13" Heavy Duty BD Tread Rubber Tracks (320x100x43)
Looking for top quality OEM Nissan replacement rubber tracks, rollers, sprockets, and other undercarriage parts for your model Nissan s&b20-5 Excavator, well look no further. We offer top quality brand name rubber tracks from Bridgestone, Camso, TNT, Arisun and more. Choose from a variety of tread patterns including Block, C-Tread, Multi-Bar and Sawtooth.