Hyundai R55-7, R55-7A, R55W-7, R55W-7A, R55-9, R55-9A, R55W-9, R60Cr-9A, 60-9S, 60W-9S, R60Cr-9, Hx60, Hw60, Case Cx57C, Cx60C, New Holland E57C, E60C Pin On Mo
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Blue Diamond Attachments Hyundai R55-7, R55-7A, R55W-7, R55W-7A, R55-9, R55-9A, R55W-9, R60CR-9A, 60-9S, 60W-9S, R60CR-9, HX60, HW60, CASE CX57C, CX60C, New Holland E57C, E60C pin style mount on flat plate. Can be used with any bolt on style mount attachment.